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Q: Website's speed measuring and improvement online tools/sites/services

+12 votes
I am wondering which speed measuring tools are you using... I have a web site and want to improve its speed but I do not know how! :-(

 I know there are some online tools/sites/services which can give me valuable suggestions when it comes to improving the loading speed of my site (and the overall performance!).

Can you please recommend some? Thanks a lot!
asked in Other category by user andrew

3 Answers

+2 votes

I love Google developers' tool for improving the speed of my site - It not only gives suggestions about the Desktop version of your site, but also the mobile loading time! Which in my opinion is great as it is 21st century everybody MUST HAVE a responsive site! :-) Cheers

answered by user nikole
edited by user golearnweb
+2 votes

hi, I am using - - I think it is the oldest speed measuring tool online. It is free and if you really want to dig into flash-loading web-site I would suggest to use it! It gives a lot of suggestions!

Oh, also - it can make a video (which you can even download it!) about the loading time of your site :-) After you make all the improvements you can compare the speed :-) Niiiice!!!

answered by user Jolie Ann
edited by user golearnweb
+2 votes

I like these 2 online services which are free and will help you a lot with the suggestions given! The sites are:

and my favorite:

I love GT Metrix because you can easily improve your images without going to additional services for compressing images.

Simply go to and under "Optimize Images" you will be able to download the compressed ones and upload them by using FTP :-) Love it!

The suggestions given above are also useful and you can use them all! :-) Hope I've helped you a bit...

answered by user eiorgert
edited by user golearnweb