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Q: What is conviva + livepassdl proxies and why they are loading on my site?

+10 votes
Hi, I have a problem! Whenever I am trying to make my site load as fast as it can I am seeing weird errors in the GTMetrix speed measuring tool. The errors are in the "Serve resources from a consistent URL" and in the "Defer parsing of JavaScript" notifications. So, I see these lines:

The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 4 request(s) and 62.5KiB.

The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 4 request(s) and 62.5KiB. (3.2KiB of inline JavaScript) (3.2KiB of inline JavaScript) (3.2KiB of inline JavaScript) (3.2KiB of inline JavaScript) (3.2KiB of inline JavaScript) (3.2KiB of inline JavaScript)

What is this Conviva? Why does it load? I DO NOT HAVA SUCH THING IN MY SOURCE FILE! :-( Please help! I do not know how to handle this loading bullcr*p!
asked in Other category by user samfred5830

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Are you using Vimeo on your site?
answered by user hues
selected by user golearnweb
I need to know to tell you my solution :-)
Yes - I am using Vimeo instead of YouTube and I am embedding some videos. Why?
All these files are loading BECAUSE Vimeo is testing https connections and servers and host your videos on conviva servers. It is in testing mode (I think) but I've noticed that some of my videos are loading just fine (maybe hosted on their servers) and some are experiencing the same error. BTW this causes the pages to load twice (there is slight interval between the loading time). Hope that helps! At least for me this is the explanation I've found!
Thanks a lot! :-))))))))
I was also using GTMetrix and saw the same thing, i removed the plugin - personally i think the site is not accurate at all, although they make some good points you can learn a lot but those tests are a joke.