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Q: Suggest some plugins for managing fonts in WordPress cms

+13 votes
Hi. Can you please share some plugins (WordPress ones) for managing Google (or other types) of fonts? Also, do you know some plugins for finding Cyrillic plugins (Russian, Ukrainian, etc.)? Thanbks
asked in Web Development category by user paulcabalit

5 Answers

+2 votes

Here is specific WordPress plugin for Google Fonts only.

You can turn on Script: — Cyrillic to use the cyrillic fonts! Unfortunately you CANNOT see how a particular font looks like inside WordPress - but worth trying! :-)

answered by user nikole
edited by user golearnweb
Thanks for this info!
+2 votes

Here's another one

answered by user Jolie Ann
edited by user golearnweb
+1 vote

Use this plugin. Using FontMeister is easy. Enter your details for the individual providers in the "Font Sources" section of the plugin. Then go to the "Fonts" section, and pick the fonts you want to use. You can add your own selectors to the fonts, and the plugin will include them on your site.

The plugin supports fonts from:

  1. Google Web Fonts
  2. Typekit
  3. Fontdeck
  4. Font Squirrel

Note that you will need an API key (for each type!) to use it... AK47SEO

answered by user ak47seo
edited by user golearnweb
+1 vote

The one I use for my wordpress site is a bit old - but still works just fine! Here it is.

answered by user john7
edited by user golearnweb
+1 vote
Try premium plugin ones - more options there....
answered by user hues