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Q: Substring - String Task

+7 votes

On the first line you will receive a string. On the second line you will receive a second string. Write a program that removes all of the occurrences of the first string in the second until there is no match. At the end print the remaining string.


substring string task

asked in PHP category by user ak47seo

3 Answers

+6 votes

My solution:


$replacement = readline();
$str = readline();
$count = 1;

while ($count > 0) {
    $strNew = str_replace($replacement, "", $str, $count);
    if ($str == $strNew) {
    } else {
        $str = $strNew;

echo $strNew;


answered by user matthew44
+6 votes

This is mine code:


$replacement = readline();
$str = readline();

while (true) {
    $strNew = str_replace($replacement, "", $str);
    if ($str == $strNew) {
    } else {
        $str = $strNew;

echo $strNew;
answered by user john7
+5 votes

This one is mine:


$replacement = readline();
$str = readline();

while (strpos($str, $replacement) !== false) {
    $str = str_replace($replacement, "", $str);

echo $str;
answered by user Jolie Ann