Here is the code with regex:
function secretData(inputArr) {
let text = inputArr.join("\n");
let namePattern = /(\*[A-Z][A-Za-z]*)(?=\s|$|\.)/g;
let phonePattern = /(\+[\d\-]{10})(?=\s|$|\.)/g;
let idPattern = /(![A-Za-z\d]+)(?=\s|$|\.)/g;
let nameSecretPattern = /(_[A-Za-z\d]+)(?=\s|$|\.)/g;
text = text.replace(namePattern, replacer);
text = text.replace(phonePattern, replacer);
text = text.replace(idPattern, replacer);
text = text.replace(nameSecretPattern, replacer);
function replacer(match, gr1, gr2) {
return '|'.repeat(gr1.length);
"Agent *Ivankov was in the room when it all happened.",
"The person in the room was heavily armed.",
"Agent *Ivankov had to act quick in order.",
"He picked up his phone and called some unknown number.",
"I think it was +555-49-796",
"I can't really remember...",
"He said something about \"finishing work\" with subject !2491a23BVB34Q and returning to Base _Aurora21",
"Then after that he disappeared from my sight.",
"As if he vanished in the shadows.",
"A moment, shorter than a second, later, I saw the person flying off the top floor.",
"I really don't know what happened there.",
"This is all I saw, that night.",
"I cannot explain it myself..."