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Q: How to outsource article writing?

+13 votes
Can you recommend sites to outsource article writing? What are the best providers for article writing - only unique ones? After Google Panda and Penguin it seems that quality content will play major role in the future, not only for off page SEO (link building) but for on page SEO as well! Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
asked in Other category by user hues

7 Answers

+4 votes

You are quite right! There are a lot of sites which provide article writing. Search in Google. I personally use one company from India and because I have a lot of clients they provide relatively cheap services. $5 per article - 500+ words. I'm checking them every time on CopyScape - and they are always unique! :-) So search for such kind of companies - in my opinion they are the highest quality ones!

answered by user mitko
edited by user golearnweb
+4 votes
Try fiverr my friend - just type "article writing" and see which users have the most recommendations and see the deadline as well. There are pretty good writers on - I am using their services and you can also negotiate over bulk orders. Cheers
answered by user andrew
+4 votes

I love - a bit pricy, but the writers are from USA and UK - so they are very experienced and native speakers!

answered by user sam
edited by user golearnweb
+3 votes

... and of course the largest site for people outsourcing their services including high quality article writing on every topic - :-)

answered by user samfred5830
edited by user golearnweb
+2 votes

There is one site which is specialized for article marketing and article writing. It is called - and I would suggest using it. Make sure to choose a native writer and a content 750+ words - only this works nowadays - no bold, italic, keyword density - all this is a history! Make sure to check all your written articles in copyscape!

answered by user john7
edited by user golearnweb
+2 votes

Here is one site for finding professional article writers called it is pretty easy to find reliable writer there! use it with confidence and ease! Hope that helps! BTW - great suggestions I am seeing here! thank you all

answered by user paulcabalit
edited by user golearnweb
+1 vote
Now a day’s so many companies are offering Outsource services. Such as  Fiver and Elance etc. Anyone can create account there and start earning. I personally use one of the portal for this and its great. I always check articles from plagiarism software and they are always exceptional. Search such kind of portals and you will learn day by day.
answered by user ahmed
edited by user golearnweb